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About Us


Guangzhou Association of Service Trade & Outsourcing  (GZSTO) was founded in January 2011 with the goal of pushing up the overall growth of Guangzhou service outsourcing industry. Under the professional guidance of the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangzhou Municipality and the Bureau of Science and Information Technology of Guangzhou Municipality, GZSOA is a non-profit organization associated with member companies engaged in industries of information technology outsourcing (ITO), business process outsourcing (BPO), and knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), as well as related organizations involved in service outsourcing management, service, research and training.

GZSTO  aims to provide comprehensive services for its member companies and strengthen China's position in the global offshore service outsourcing industry and help Guangzhou's service outsourcing industry to develop in pace with the rapidly changing technologic landscape by adopting, implementing and creating world class business practices.


GZSTO's mission is to enhance China's position in the global offshore ITO,BPO and KPO industry, to improve the integral competitive ability and global image of Guangzhou's service sourcing companies and to promote the healthy development of Service Outsourcing Industry.

Major tasks:

Serve as an interface between the local government and enterprises at home and abroad.

Facilitate information exchange and cooperation among industrial enterprises at home and abroad.

Build a top-ranked communication platform with which the companies in the sector can realize mutual exchanges and share information and resources.

Provide intellectual property protection service.

Release updated information about related activities of the industry for its member companies.

Help its members understand and benefit from the related industrial policies.

Offer coordination services for the member organizations.

Protect and promote the interests of its members by organizing visual seminars, forums, training programs, workshops, trade shows, and international marketing activities.